Future Prospects

1、Those who have completed the education program are eligible to work as teachers.

2、They may pursue doctoral studies in related departments or work as researchers in public or private educational research institutions.

3、Take national examinations for educational administration at all levels and serve as public officials.

4、Design, produce, or edit curricula and teaching materials for educational institutions.

5、Planning and execution of education and training in business and industry.

Cultivating excellent educators across fields: The mission of the School is to cultivate educators with broad vision and ability.

They are expected to be efficient educational administrators in addition to teachers and researchers.

Establishing “Holistic Education and Professional Development Program”: The purpose is to expand the academic research on holistic education and to integrate educational administration, science education, or general education so that the graduate school can be characterized by the academic research in holistic education and teachers’ professional development.

Organizing and undergoing cross field and internationally academic cooperation; encouraging the faculty to apply for interdisciplinary research projects and also enhancing the international exchange in academic studies.

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